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Today is also ending--
at the bottom of the snowstorm
the gigantic sun


snow banks
gritty and blackened --
the last guest that lingers on forever


Area 17 said...

I think you can turn this into a tanka somehow.

I don't like my version, but if you can introduce a turn in it yourself, you have a real winner.


snow banks
and blackened --
the last guest
lingers on forever

gritty and blackened
the snow banks
my last guest
lingers on forever
before we can be together

Kelly M. said...

your thoughts are always welcome, Alan! I'll have to do my homework as I'm not sure what a tanka is --

Area 17 said...

Check out:

Do you have a copy of Bill's Haiku Handbook? It has most of the short forms as well as tanka.

all my best,


David said...

i thought

snow banks
gritty and blackened
the last to leave

i know it changes things

