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Today is also ending--
at the bottom of the snowstorm
the gigantic sun


standing at the summit
light-headed above cloud
falling in love


Spiros Zafiris said...

.lucky you..!

Pan Haiku Review said...

Love it!

Alan, With Words

Beatrice V said...

Hi Spiros, poetry is not always autobiographical,just poetic license!
Thanks for passing by.

Beatrice V said...

Alan, thanks, I am expanding this into a tanka, to make a contrast between the 'heights' and the vertiginous 'descent'..

Möme said...

This works on many levels. :-)

Spiros Zafiris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Spiros Zafiris said...

..hi Beatrice.>>it was i who deleted the previous comment..i tried to edit something i had written and didn't know how.so i deleted
..now, what i wanted to say, is that i understand..sometimes i come up with poems dealing with
situations/memories of 30 or more years ago and readers take it for granted i am writing about something that just happened.. other poems deal with mere fantasy,
too--(mine or of whichever guiding spirit i am communicating with, at the moment)..>>spiros