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Today is also ending--
at the bottom of the snowstorm
the gigantic sun


Waning moon
in the vastness of the night
--so much loneliness

© Beatrice van de Vis2011 -Publ. Blithe Spirit (Journal of the British Haiku Society) vol. 21 No 2, June 2011


Pamela A. Babusci said...

beautiful haiku!

Beatrice V said...

Thanks Pamela! Feeling a bit rusty but trying to get back into a poetic frame of mind:)

Pan Haiku Review said...

Gorgeously lyrical.

Alan, With Words

Beatrice V said...

Thanks Alan, carrying out now your resolution of 'a haiku a day'..

Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Beatrice,

We're running a "Purely Haiku" course at Claridge House if you are interested?

Monday 11th - Friday 15th April
Claridge House, Surrey, South East England
(just outside London)

Claridge House January 2011 Course:
Purely Haiku

So if you have built up a large number of haiku (draft or otherwise) there'll be plenty of time for one-to-one feedback, and also group feedback if you'd like?


Alan Summers

Alan is a founding haiku editor for haijinx online magazine for humour within haiku. He is also co-editor of Fifty-Seven Damn Good Haiku by a Bunch of Our Friends ISBN 978-1-878798-31-2 (2010) with highly-respected American publisher and poet Michael Dylan Welch that features the work of British, American, African and Japanese writers of haiku:
57 Damn Good Haiku weblink

Alan is an experienced workshop leader, and a Japan Times award-winning writer, with an MA in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University.

Alan is able to work with people who have no experience of poetry to encourage them to try it. He watches and listens with patience and respect and offers guidance that is flexible enough to empower the workshop participants but firm enough to support them.

Rachel Sutton-Spence
Centre for Personal and Professional Development

Karen Hoy

Karen has haiku featured in the forthcoming and first ever Welsh national anthology of haiku poetry, Another Country: Haiku Poetry from Wales published by Gomer Press (Release date Spring 2011).

She also appears in Fifty-Seven Damn Good Haiku by a Bunch of Our Friends co-edited by Alan Summers and Michael Dylan Welch.

Karen has also assisted in several haiku workshops and events for With Words, and holds a Diploma in Creative Writing from the University of Bristol.

all my best,

Alan, With Words

Pamela A. Babusci said...


the haiku wasn't "rusty" at all!
quite excellent!! hugs, pamela

Pan Haiku Review said...

I agree with Pamela. ;-)

Alan, With Words