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Today is also ending--
at the bottom of the snowstorm
the gigantic sun



red apple temptation
Google's choice of logo today
-- the new year sins?


Carlos Gesmundo said...

Exciting thought. Thanks, Beatrice.

Spiros Zafiris said...

..hi Beatrice..

..very bright; an effortless
read..enjoyed; thanks..


Pan Haiku Review said...

Sin One:

The hospital removing Karen's glass splinter, not from a Cinderella shoe but from a smashed champagne flute while dancing barefoot into the wee small hours of New Year's Eve/Day.

Sin Two:
Drinking a large mug of tea and checking my email when I should be getting to my office!

Ah, such harmless sins methinks, but pray tell me your new year sins? ;-)

Beatrice V said...

Thanks Carlos and Spiros.
Alan, that is a god start, the glass splinter only a small inconvenience! I am counting all the sins I will commit in 2010:)

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Ah, surely they have already been forgiven. Snow covers a great deal.
Love this.
